Under construction - no significant scenery yet. Steam to Diesel transition. Passenger trains (primarily diesel) add steam helpers at Cumberland station stop; freight trains add helpers at Hyndman. Sidings for 25 car freight trains. Two levels of folded dogbones. Ten track staging yard.
Come see the behind the scenes look at a railroad before it is covered in scenery.
Six foot roll out section with multiple main lines for access to furnace and hot water heater.
Multiple hidden lines attached to wall brackets.
Bowl-shaped grades in yard to aid in cars rolling after being cut-off during switching.
Main line turnouts #8 for crossovers, #6/7 other mainline double ended tracks, #4,#2.5 for industry spur stub tracks.
Scale / Gauge
Size of Layout
30 feet by 13 feet
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad
Location Modeled
Allegheny Mountain climb from Cumberland, MD to San Patch, PA At Cumberland, the B&O splits into Chicago and St, Louis mains at Viaducts Jct. This railroad focuses on the Chicago trains - 5 daily passenger to Chicago, 2 to Cleveland and 1 to Toledo, as well as '97 freight trains sections to/from NY, Baltimore, Pot Yard, Pittsburgh, Toledo and Chicago. This model applies single track with sidings to what in prototype was double or triple track. The Cumberland narrows west of passenger station once hosted four railroads (B&O, C&P, WM & PRR) on five main tracks!
Style of Track Plan
Folded Dog Bone
Length of Main Line
Layout Height
lower 36 upper 50"
Modular Box & Leg
Roadbed Material
Track Manufacturer
Micro Engineering
Minimum Main Line Radius
Maximum Grade
1.3 %
Scenery Techniques
photomural on masonite
Control System
DCC - other
Car Forwarding System
Train Authority / Dispatching
Mother May I
Operating Group
Intown Model Railroaders
Direction Comment
Use paver path on right side of house to go to backyard and enter there for the railroad.
Wheelchair Accessible
ADA Comments
Not ADA - but - can be reached with persistence, if one is willing to navigate 16 inch paver path edged in grass - one short steep slope 6% and 30 inch doorways.