The layout is freelanced and the era is roughly from the 1970s to the present. The layout has
two levels, a mainline (lower) and a branch line (upper). Most of the motive power is diesel but
I am starting to add steam power as well. The layout is spread across two rooms. The main
room features a 6-track yard and a coal tipple. A refinery is also in the yard area. There is a small
town reminiscent of a small northern town in the Midwest. There also is a small farm area
that travelers pass as they are going into town or to work in the refinery or tipple. The road
system, structures, and scenery are all still in the works.
Lastly, the main train room has been extended into the neighboring room. The branch line,
from the main train room, is extended into the second room. The second room also has an
upper level with 2-Rail 0 Scale. This section of the layout features a turntable and eventually a
steel mill in a small town. There is no scenery at this point but trains are running. The layout is
about 45% complete-. All control systems are in place but some structures and signals still need
to be wired. The road system, structures, and scenery are all still in the works and this will give visitors the opportunity to see a work in progress.